
Express: People Skills - The Win-Win of Being a Team Player

Being a team player comes naturally for some. Others need a nudge in the right direction. Understand why being a great team player is important, how to be a better team player and how to find personal success through building each other’s success.

Express: People Skills - Keep Your Cool When They Lose Theirs

A confrontational or angry resident might trigger all sorts of automatic responses in us. Staying professional in these situations can be tough, but it’s doable when you know what’s sparking your responses and the techniques to moderate them.

Express: Workplace Savvy - Crying at Work

Most of us have felt it at one time or another. You’re at work and get hit with an overwhelming emotion. Tears spring to your eyes right in front of your supervisor, teammates or—worst of all—a customer. Learn how tears in the workplace can be...

Express: DEI - Pronouns Matter (Infographic)

What you say matters when it comes to customer service and team relations. Using a person’s preferred pronouns is a way to show courtesy and respect for them as individuals. Get up-to-speed on the evolving nature of these standards, and learn how to...

Express: Mental Health and Wellness - Mindful Meditation

The pace of life can sometimes become overwhelming. There may be times when you find balancing the needs of your residents, team, community and personal life is exhausting. When life feels chaotic and you find it difficult to maintain focus, just a...