Interplay Learning - Custom Air Handling Unit Preventive & Service Maintenance

3 hours
0 minutes
Ongoing maintenance of the Air Handling Unit (AHU) is essential to the proper functioning of the CHVAC system. AHUs condition and distribute air throughout a commercial building. They move the required volume of air through an enclosed space while maintaining humidity and air cleanliness. A CHVAC engineer custom designs each AHU for a specific application. So, the particular configuration will vary from space to space. However, certain maintenance requirements are common to all units. In this course, we will learn the types and frequency of AHU maintenance. We’ll identify the most common signs of wear, and demonstrate procedures that prevent them from growing into major problems. We’ll explain the risks of working with dirty filters, belts, and high voltages. We’ll identify what steps the HVAC technician must take to stay safe. We'll apply these concepts by performing maintenance on a virtual air handler unit in a computer simulation.